Today we handed out the course outline, followed by this intro activity. We also defined urban/rural/suburban and we looked at the rural-urban characteristics. Also....the class rules!
February 4, 2019: What are the pros and cons of living in Toronto? Students brainstormed, using this handout. We also looked at the biggest cities in the world.
The class then used this handout to access a link which focussed on "Why Live in a Big City?"
We will take this up tomorrow.......P.S: Nelson says Arf!
Let's see what this person thinks about living in big is found here.
You and a partner will navigate through all the different options of this visual model and write a one-page report on Google Docs (include both names). The focus should be: the patterns of urban growth throughout the world. Full sentences please. Share with me when done.
February 6, 2019: Urbanization and the evolution of cities. Check out the handout.
Today we also focussed on the history of cities, with this handout and question sheet. Due next day.
February 7, 2019: I gave the class a bit more time to answer the questions from yesterday. When finished, they learned about the Structure of Cities. Look at this powerpoint and answer these questions!
February 8, 2019: We reviewed yesterday's powerpoint.
The class then started mapping the great cities of the world. You can find the instructions here and the map somewhere as well. Hmmmmmm, where is that map? I think you may find it ..............................right here! Due Monday.
February 11, 2019: "The largest cities in the world"
The class was given a graphing assignment which will be completed on this graph paper. Do a great job!
February 12, 2019: SNOW DAY!!
February 13, 2019: Students are to read this document on the History and Early Development of Cities using this question sheet. This is due tomorrow and there will be an oral presentation component to the evaluation.
February 14, 2019:
Today, we put classes in 7 groups of 4. Each group was responsible for answering 4 questions from yesterday's activity. Groups will be responsible for presenting their clear and understandable answers to the class on TUESDAY for 10 marks.
**Any students not here today will be responsible for #25-28 for Tuesday, ok?
Group 1: #1-4
Group 2: #5-8
Group 3: #9-12
Group 4: #13-16
Group 5: #17-20
Group 6: #21-24
Group 7: #25-28
February 19, 2019: The students presented their questions today. All students were expected to be in class today. Any absences will receive a zero, unless a valid reason is presented.
February 20, 2019: LIVABLE CITIES INTRO NOTE! This note included the top livable cities of 2019. Congrats Vienna! We also looked at the definitions of site vs. situation and the class worked on this Google Earth activity, focussing on site. I collected it for grading at the end of class.
February 21, 2019: Our focus today is on the concept of the ecumene, along with a case study on the Nile River in Africa.....package is found by taking your mouse and making a clickety click right here!
We also looked at an exemplar from yesterday's activity (Copenhagen), to show the class what I expect from a grade 12 level.
February 22-March 1, 2019: Over the next several days, students will be working on learning more about the concept of livability. This powerpoint and handout will be the basis of their pedagogical focus.....specifically, there will be a group presentation culminating this particular topic. Do a great job!
February 22-March 1, 2019: Over the next several days, students will be working on learning more about the concept of livability. This powerpoint and handout will be the basis of their pedagogical focus.....specifically, there will be a group presentation culminating this particular topic. Do a great job!
Livability comparison answer sheet is also provided for your perusal!
March 4, 2019: Today, we distributed the livability handbook. Take a look and learn!
We then used Regent Park as an example......videos are found here. Take notes.
We then read this article on democracy of livability and resilience and answered these questions. Due tomorrow.
March 5/6, 2019: Groupthink session today! Active participants received a mark /5. See instructions here. Based on yesterday's work.
When finished, the students looked at Toronto through the lens of a tourist (using travel brochures!)
March 7, 2019: Let's take a look at East York today. We are going to assess 5 positive and 5 negative attributes, using this map of the community. Several students will volunteer to present their findings on the Smartboard.
Assignment: Over the March Break, you are to take one photo of a positive, livable feature of any place in East York, as well as one negative feature. You are to write up a one page summary explaining what makes the feature positive for the urban community as well as why the other feature is negative (aka lacks livability). Include the photos that you took in your summary. Due first day back from March Break.....20 marks. HARD COPIES ONLY PLEASE.
March 8, 2019: Hello. You will work on Toronto's urban profile today. This document will give you all you need and more! Have a great break and work hard on your homework. Impress your teacher!
March 18, 2019: Using Google Earth, we analysed some negative livability characteristics of two places: Aleppo Syria and Port au Prince. This handout will allow you to take notes. Due tomorrow.
March 19, 2019: TEST ANNOUNCEMENT - April 1 - 50 marks (Livability Unit)
The class today, learned about poop! (ie., infrastructure to handle our sewage, making our city more livable). We watched this video first. Afterwards, self-directed student learning on how Toronto handles its massive quantity of sewage. See assignment here.
March 20, 2019: Yes, we reviewed Toronto's sewage system today.....crappy topic I know. : - )
Let's analyse some of our most livable neighborhoods today, right here in Toronto. There are plenty of them - check it out by clicking right here.
March 21, 2019: How to make a city attractive? Take notes!
What is a mega city? See here!
Urbanization and urban trends/terms. Let's read this together and watch a megacities video at the end!
Click link here.
March 22, 2019: We reviewed yesterday's work today and gave the class a test review sheet for next week's unit test.
Today we looked at the process of urbanization via powerpoint. Additionally, we studied the settlement hierarchy that exists in countries using a powerpoint as well.
March 25, 2019: Mr. H. reviewed the settlement hierarchy today.
Today's focus: Issues of livability on native reserves in Canada. This link will also give you info on Manitoba reserves:
Please complete - this will be on the test, which has been SWITCHED to April 1, 2019.
Our study hall will be this Thursday at lunch for those who want to work on missed assignments.
March 26, 2019: Today we studied New Urbanism. This is the handout and this is the powerpoint!
March 27, 2019: OSSLT!
March 28, 2019: Today we reviewed a bunch of different concepts for the test (ecumene). Make sure you study well! We also gave the class some time to study in groups of two today.
Reminder: tomorrow we have a guest speaker - all must attend. You will be evaluated!
March 29, 2019: Guest lecture by Rabia Munir today!
Remember to study for Monday's test.
April 1, 2019: Unit Test Day.
April 2, 2019: GIS Day! You need to be in class for this activity.
April 3, 2019: More GIS time. But first, we started our new unit on Sustainability. This is an intro note, with video attached. The questions will be worked on in groups tomorrow.
April 4, 2019: Students may work on yesterday's questions.....depends on the walkout!
April 5, 2019: The class began by copying into their notebooks, this note on slums of the world. Next, the class will engage in self-directed learning about some of the slums of the world. Click this link and take a page of notes on what you learned about the various slums of the world.
April 8, 2019: We worked on the questions from April 3 today. I put students into groups of 3. We will present the answers tomorrow for evaluation. Do a good job!
April 9-10, 2019: I handed out the field trip forms today. The trip is May 8, 2019 and is compulsory. Please return your signed forms to me ASAP.
The class presented their work from yesterday....10 marks. if you were absent for a non-valid reason, you will receive zero. Sorry.
April 11, 2019: Today, I assigned the slums of the world video assignment. Due: Monday
April 12, 2019: Examining the slums of the world using Google Earth as a tool. Inquiry-based learning at its very best! You can find the lesson right here.
April 15-23, 2019: Check out this livable project idea in the Netherlands!
The class began a multi-day focus on the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro today. The package will be broken down into 6 or 7 days and each day, it will be found in my classroom binder. No electronic version....sorry! Students must be in class every day.
Today, we began parts 1-4
On April 17, the class worked on part 7. A Youtube clip needed to be watched, then the class used Trip Advisor on the internet to explore the unique tourism opportunities here.
April 18, the class broke into two groups and brainstormed how to improve the Favelas with a real budget! We will present the groups' findings on Tuesday. 10 marks!
Activity 8 info sheets can be found here.
April 23-25, 2019: We presented the two group's ideas from last Thursday. 10 marks communication.
Today and tomorrow and Thursday, the class will work on activity 9 - the final Favela evaluation.
April 26, 2019: Students worked on other assignments today, or finished their posters on the Favelas.
April 29, 2019:
Today we will be wrapping up the Favelas of Brazil! This powerpoint was used as a summary, followed by this handout which requires you to make notes on bold terms at the end.
We are also going to start our sub-unit on garbage! Please read this and highlight.
April 30, 2019: Zero waste Sustainability? Check it out here!
The story of stuff- a great video?
Want garbage facts..... take a look!
May 1, 2019: I took up yesterday's work and we also discussed the problems with our way of THINKING by reviewing the story of stuff.
Today, the class used this handout to focus on the issue of landfills versus incineration. The document is found right here.
**There will be a quiz worth 10 marks on today's lesson, first thing in class tomorrow
May 2, 2019: Quiz time!
Students then began work on Sweden's garbage solutions. This will be due on MONDAY.
May 3, 2019: Blue and Gold Day!!
May 6, 2019: We talked about the field trip (Wednesday's) today. PLEASE MEET IN THE ROTUNDA AT 8:50 AM THIS WEDNESDAY.
Dress accordingly, bring pens/camera, TTC fare, lunch or money! You will also need a partner.
Today we learned about sustainability in different forms! Students complete this organizer on toxic algae, green funerals and plastic. Due tomorrow.
May 7, 2019: Today we learned about Curitiba Brazil. This video was the resource and the students and Mr. H took a few notes! See you tomorrow in the Rotunda at 8:50 am.
May 8, 2019: Field Trip Day - Urban Livability
May 9, 2019: More on Curitiba! Students will take notes on the sustainability of this city, using this website.
May 10, 2019: I showed the class a few more slides from our field trip!
Today, we focussed on Singapore. The class made notes on what makes this city-state progressive and liveable.
May 13-15, 2019: Project- Stewardship in our City! Students are to work together every day over the next three days (groups of 3). Stay focussed - no cell phone nonsense please! STUDENT GROUPS MUST SIGN UP FOR A TOPIC. ONE GROUP PER TOPIC ONLY.
Download project at this location.
May 16-17, 2019: Student Stewardship Project Presentation Days
JUNE 10-13
May 21, 2019: Focus on suburbia!
May 22, 2019: Today, we will finish up the stewardship presentations.
Following, this note on the definition of suburbs, as well as this handout on the Rush song "Subdivisions!". Also, check out this powerpoint on Bill Levitt's "Levittown" neighbourhood design. Take notes please!
May 23, 2019: Take a look at this site and make notes on the "growth of suburbia" and the "dark side of suburbia". I also reviewed some of our main issues of suburbia with this powerpoint.
The students also read and highlighted the sheet entitled "urban growth" and summarized any three impacts of urban sprawl.
**Quiz will be given tomorrow on the topic of sprawl and suburbia.
May 24, 2019: Quiz Day! Any student with an unexplained absence needs a professional note
The class also watched "The End of the American Dream". Notes please!
May 27/28, 2019: GIS DAY! US Social policy impact on racial patterns in Atlanta. Click here for activity.
May 29/30, 2019: Radiant City DVD doc! If you missed the dvd in class, you can find the doc on YouTube!
Handout is found at this link.
We also discussed some of Kunstler's quotes. The class wrote an exit slip paragraph after the film ended for evaluation purposes.
May 31, 2019: Students are going to look at Toronto sprawl compared to other cities. Click this link.
Also, let's examine these cities using Google Earth.
June 3, 2019: We talked a bit about the Google Earth suburban contrast between a city like Mexico City and one like Phoenix. I then gave the students a note on the 3 types of Sprawl.
We then had another dose of Kunstler! Following this, a look at retrofitting suburbia. Take notes please.
HOMEWORK: Read this article on retrofitting malls and complete this summary handout.
June 4, 2019: We looked at last night's homework and discussed. As well, we looked at this site.....the haunted malls!Also...what is Detroit doing with some of their inner-city abandoned lands? We looked at Google Earth to answer this.
Remainder of class? JANE AND JENNIFER....two awesome ladies. Take a look here.
June 5, 2019: We started with a few quotes! Please read and highlight....These are great for the exam.
Next, we looked at the concept of the "Road Diet". Make notes on how traffic can be improved by improving streets!
Next, Mr. H taught us about land use planning. Take notes please! The powerpoint can be found here.
June 6, 2019: Prom Day!
June 7, 2019: Students will read this article on Ontario's Greenbelt and answer the questions contained within. Note on the Golden Horseshoe needs to be read as well.
REMINDER: Culminating assignment starts on Monday. ALL MUST BE PRESENT!
You can download the project here.
June 10-June 13, 2019: Culminating Activity Days
How to site your websites used in your newsletter. Click here.
Also, take a look at the exam review sheet. Study well, my friends!
Regent park is in the news....take a peek.
Any students absent for their presentations will have ONE day to make it up - Wednesday, May 22. No exceptions. Too many students were absent from the last two days without valid reasons.
After two more presentations today, we began the last unit of the course (changing cities/interdependent cities). This unit starts with a look at the concept of sprawl. Take particular notes in the video on the concept of the "Levittown" housing program and the various pros and cons presented.
May 21, 2019: Focus on suburbia!
May 22, 2019: Today, we will finish up the stewardship presentations.
Following, this note on the definition of suburbs, as well as this handout on the Rush song "Subdivisions!". Also, check out this powerpoint on Bill Levitt's "Levittown" neighbourhood design. Take notes please!
May 23, 2019: Take a look at this site and make notes on the "growth of suburbia" and the "dark side of suburbia". I also reviewed some of our main issues of suburbia with this powerpoint.
The students also read and highlighted the sheet entitled "urban growth" and summarized any three impacts of urban sprawl.
**Quiz will be given tomorrow on the topic of sprawl and suburbia.
May 24, 2019: Quiz Day! Any student with an unexplained absence needs a professional note
The class also watched "The End of the American Dream". Notes please!
May 27/28, 2019: GIS DAY! US Social policy impact on racial patterns in Atlanta. Click here for activity.
May 29/30, 2019: Radiant City DVD doc! If you missed the dvd in class, you can find the doc on YouTube!
Handout is found at this link.
We also discussed some of Kunstler's quotes. The class wrote an exit slip paragraph after the film ended for evaluation purposes.
May 31, 2019: Students are going to look at Toronto sprawl compared to other cities. Click this link.
Also, let's examine these cities using Google Earth.
June 3, 2019: We talked a bit about the Google Earth suburban contrast between a city like Mexico City and one like Phoenix. I then gave the students a note on the 3 types of Sprawl.
We then had another dose of Kunstler! Following this, a look at retrofitting suburbia. Take notes please.
HOMEWORK: Read this article on retrofitting malls and complete this summary handout.
June 4, 2019: We looked at last night's homework and discussed. As well, we looked at this site.....the haunted malls!Also...what is Detroit doing with some of their inner-city abandoned lands? We looked at Google Earth to answer this.
Remainder of class? JANE AND JENNIFER....two awesome ladies. Take a look here.
June 5, 2019: We started with a few quotes! Please read and highlight....These are great for the exam.
Next, we looked at the concept of the "Road Diet". Make notes on how traffic can be improved by improving streets!
Next, Mr. H taught us about land use planning. Take notes please! The powerpoint can be found here.
June 6, 2019: Prom Day!
June 7, 2019: Students will read this article on Ontario's Greenbelt and answer the questions contained within. Note on the Golden Horseshoe needs to be read as well.
REMINDER: Culminating assignment starts on Monday. ALL MUST BE PRESENT!
You can download the project here.
June 10-June 13, 2019: Culminating Activity Days
How to site your websites used in your newsletter. Click here.
Also, take a look at the exam review sheet. Study well, my friends!
Regent park is in the news....take a peek.
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