Thursday, September 6, 2018

Welcome to Hepp's Geoblog!


And welcome to my 

classes at East York Collegiate

My goal is to keep East York Collegiate students and parents informed and up-to-date with respect to ongoing course news, assignments and activities.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Reminders/Contact Me

Contact for R. Hepperle

East York Collegiate Social Science Department Phone Number: 416-396-2355, ext. 20096

E- Mail:

Is your son or daughter prepared? Every student should have a binder, lined paper, a pencil/pen, a ruler and a set of pencil crayons. Preparation means success!

Cell phones should not be used in class unless otherwise instructed

Study Hall: One day per month @ lunchtime or in the a.m, I will host a study hall in room 144 for those students who need extra help or want time to finish assignments. As well, computers are available to finish any assignments. Need to write a missed quiz/test due to a legitimate absence? Then study hall is for you.

Handouts missing from your notebook? Don't forget to check my binder "Hepp's Handouts"on my desk in room 144.

Didn't get your marked assignment returned? Check the course folder in room 144 on top of the filing cabinet. All returned work for absent students is kept there.

"Gee Sir, what's my mark?" Check the classroom door! Every 2 weeks marks are updated and posted on the door to keep you informed of your academic status. My marking process is very transparent. See me anytime in study hall for anything you don't understand.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Period 1: Grade 9 Geography of Canada

February 1, 2019: Welcome to the geography of Canada!
Today, we gave the class the course outline, discussed rules, gave a note on Canadian facts, and completed an introduction to geography. For homework, the class will complete this questionnaire.

February 4, 2019: Do you know your atlas? Try this!
Homework: Students will attempt the 25 challenge! Good luck, we will take it up tomorrow.

February 5, 2019: Today, we took up the 25 Challenge...
As well, we attended the auditorium for the annual course selection assembly!

February 6-8, 2019: Do you know your geography? Take a lookie!
If submitted late (on Monday) a 5% penalty will be applied.

February 11-13, 2019: Today the class started the map of Canada labeling activity. We all must know our country, right?
You will find the instructions if you press click.
The map, I think, is found at this spot.
When done, try this cool wordsearch!

February 12, 2019: SNOW DAY!

February 13, 2019: Students continued to work on their maps.

February 14, 2019: 
Today, the rest of the class handed in their Canada maps. Following this, they began the intro to map skills unit with this activity sheet and this powerpoint.

February 19, 2019: Welcome Back! Today, we took up last day's powerpoint. Following, we began our lesson on latitude and longitude. The class received this handout on main lines, and this handout on understanding how to read lat/long. Additionally, they worked on this latlong internet activity for homework. Here is a video I made to assist you as well!

February 20, 2019: I took up some of yesterday's work before beginning today's atlas activity on latitude/longitude.

February 21, 2019: Military grid....what's it all about? Check out this video by H-Diddy. We also had this intro note to explain this topic. The students then worked on this activity. Mr. H took it up upon completion.

February 22, 2019: The class continued their practice of military grid by focussing on the Ottawa topographic map activity. I collected it for evaluation at the end of class. If you missed this, you need to come in at lunch to complete it.

February 25, 2019: We began our lesson on scale today. The three types of scale are found here. The class also received a scale conversion sheet. The activity was atlas-based and we spent the whole class working on it. Will take up when done.

Check out my scale Showme video!


February 26, 2019: I took up the scale work from yesterday with the class. If anyone is still not sure about scale, please see me!
Today, we began our focus on compass direction and bearing with this note. You can refer to this compass rose for assistance. The class worked on this atlas activity. I promised them more time tomorrow.

February 27, 2019: I took up the compass direction and bearing activity today, after giving the class another 30 minutes to work. We then looked at the time zones of Canada, and completed this activity in class.

February 28, 2019: The Ontario Road Map Rally. The first three groups to complete the rally win bonus marks. Yay!

March 1, 2019: Students prepared for their Monday test today. Don't forget your pencil, protractor, ruler and calculator.


March 5, 2019: Unit culminating activity. My route to school with Google Maps. Check it out!

March 6, 2019: We continued with the Google Maps activity. Students submitted their work to me at the end of class.
We also started the beginning of our next unit: Physical Diversity. Students took down this note and watched a brief video (take pointform notes please).

March 7, 2019: Today we looked at the concept of physical diversity, by looking at this awesome film "Over Canada". Students will take one page of point form notes, and will write a one page summary (intro, 3 main paragraphs and conclusion), with a focus on "Canada's physical diversity". Due first day back after March Break. Value: 15 marks.

March 8, 2019: Looking at Canada's physical diversity and beauty. The class will use this handout to guide them through this powerpoint. Have a great March Break!

March 18, 2019: WELCOME BACK KIDS!
Today, we reviewed the concept of physical diversity. As well, we started the lesson on geologic history with a note and video. The class then took down some information about each of the 4 eras.

March 19/20/21, 2019: Poster creation project - Pick an era! (see assignment at this link)

Announcement: We will have a special study hall at lunch tomorrow (Thursday) for students who missed the chance to hand work in prior to March Break.

Hey, check out this link on Sable Island....a cool article about the horses and why they are dying in larger numbers.

March 22, 2019: The History of the Earth!
Learn about our planet's amazing history. This link will give you the YouTube address (take notes as well). Video must be finished for homework.

March 25, 2019: Types of rocks and the rock cycle are today's lessons. Click this link for handout and this link for powerpoint.Here is the handout (and link) to complete the rock cycle work today.

Our field trip is tomorrow. Meet in class at 8:45 sharp, please. You will need to bring snacks, water bottle, warm clothing/hats/, firm footware/boots. 

March 26, 2019: Field Trip Day!

March 27, 2019: EQAO Literacy Test

March 28, 2019: Mr. H showed some pics and talked about our awesome trip to the Etobicoke Field Centre. He also reviewed the rock cycle and the type of rocks.
A note on magma/lava was provided as well. The students then learned about the layers of the earth using this powerpoint.

Nelson says hello!

March 29, 2019: I reviewed the layers of the Earth today....and we also had an entry slip completed by the class about their field trip to the Etobicoke field school. All students had to complete a slip for grading.
Today we also learned about continental drift and the proof that is associated with it.

April 1, 2019: Happy April Fools Day!
Today we reviewed some of Wegener's ideas. The class then watched this cool video followed by a powerpoint lesson. You'll need this handout.

April 2, 2019: We had a good review/discussion of plate tectonics this morning. The class also worked on this continental drift  sheet, which I will collect tomorrow for grading.

April 3, 2019: Today we began with a note on LANDFORM REGIONS. We then let the students explore, using Google Earth.
Homework: Please fill in your chart with the information provided here.

April 4, 2019: NATIONAL PARKS!
Here is your inro note. The class worked on an atlas activity, followed by this internet chart activity. Get to know your parks!

April 5-9, 2019: Landform Poster Activity

April 10. 2019: The class today, began the mini-unit on climate and weather. We started with an intro note that the class copied down, and we then moved on to the factors of climate. The intro videos were shown, then the students worked on the factors of climate (LOWERN). This handout is also beneficial in understanding these factors.

April 11-12, 2019: CLIMATE GRAPHS! The class worked on creating 4 climate graphs, after I explained how to draw them! Iqaluit, Lethbridge, Vancouver and St. John's. DUE: tomorrow at the END of class for grading.....5 marks each! Make sure they are neat, accurate and colored.
The graphs can be downloaded here. The data is found at this link.



April 15, 2019: Glaciers! Students today learned about glaciation by taking notes from this powerpoint. Also, they are to read this handout on glaciers and fill in the chart on the reverse.

Mr. H also gave the class a review sheet for this Thursday's test on physical diversity.

April 16-17, 2019: Glacial landforms were studied today. Students also reinforced their knowledge of glaciers with this Google Earth activity.
Students also were given 40 minutes of study time.....for tomorrow's test.

April 18, 2019: Today we had our major unit test on physical diversity.

The class worked in groups of 4 today to answer these questions. They were presented to the whole class for an oral presentation mark.

April 24, 2019: Multiculturalism in Canada. Students will need this powerpoint as well as this handout. Homework will be to finish the handout we started in class, as well as these questions. Due tomorrow.

April 25-26, 2019: What are the cultural origins of our class? Let's have some fun! Check it out here.
Make sure all is finished by Monday at 9am.

April 29, 2019: I checked the class' map/graph work from last week. Today I also returned the unit tests and gave the students a kiss (HERSHEY'S!!)
The work today was an atlas activity on languages of Canada as well as an article with questions on Canada's most recent language additions. Due tomorrow.

April 30-May 1, 2019: Here is an exemplar to give you an idea of what was expected from yesterday's final question. The students then worked on this powerpoint activity, using this powerpoint....topic is DEMOGRAPHICS! After, the class worked on chapter 16 work. I will give more time tomorrow.
Additionally, the class worked on this handout on the "Rule of 70" (doubling time for a country's population)

Today, Mr. H reviewed yesterday's work, then gave the class this note. We also looked at immigration trends and completed a table on Population Growth in Canada. Homework will be to answer these questions on Atlantic Canada's population growth.

May 3, 2019: Blue and Gold Day!
I did give the class a note today on immigration terms.....make sure you know them.

May 6, 2019: Population pyramids assignment. Students were given the class today to start this. It will be completed for homework and checked tomorrow.

May 7, 2019: Mental Health Assembly

May 8, 2019: Students today, will work on these definitions, using the internet. When done, this atlas activity on population will be completed, using the 7th edition atlas.

May 9, 2019: I took up some of yesterday's work. Following, the students watched this video on Overpopulation and took pointform notes. Discussion will ensue! QUIZ TOMORROW - 10 MARKS, based on the video.

May 10, 2019: QUIZ DAY!
Canada's ecumene map. Take a look below. Why do 90% of Canadians live within 500km of the US border? We took notes and brainstormed in class!

Today, we began our sub-unit on native people of Canada. This video was used as a discussion catalyst.

May 13, 2019: Students will work on tis internet-based activity, studying the various regional groups of native people within Canada. make sure you use the search engine on the WEBSITE to find your info!

May 14, 2019: Students will work on these text questions, using the texts at the front of the class. you will need to work with a partner, sharing a text!

May 15, 2019: Today, the class learned about a real native Canadian community. Sturgeon Lake. Take a look here. Make sure you finish the paragraph at the end as well.
When done, put your buds in and play this video.

May 16, 2019:
I returned some marked work to the students today....After, a quick intro note on Nunavut. The class then watched the video "My Village in Nunavik". They took 1/2 page notes on the lifestyle of the Inuit people.

Today we learned about the residential schools history with respect to our aboriginal people of Canada. The intro note is here. The class then used this handout to learn about this issue using a website.

May 21, 2019: Students worked on a textbook activity today on immigration to Canada. Chapter 18# 1-3 (p. 217) and #1-4 (p.222).

May 22, 2019: The Cultural Mosaic vs. the Cultural Melting Pot. Handout is right here.
We also looked at being an immigration officer for a day.

May 23, 2019: I gave the students half a period to study and prepare their notes for tomorrow's test.
The first half of the class was spent working on this assignment on immigration case studies. Students complete any three cases.

May 24, 2019: Test Day

May 27, 2019: Intro to resources and industry unit.
Definition, industry types, Loraz video!You will find the video on Youtube.


May 28, 2019: I gave the class a little review about yesterday's lesson.
They then took notes on this agriculture powerpoint and started this activity which I will collect tomorrow.

May 29-30, 2019: I took up yesterday's we began the fishing sub-unit.
Students are to read this handout and highlight for homework. Then we watched the doc "End of the Line". Complete this handout please.

Take a look at this graph of the Newfoundland cod fishery collapse....what information can you gather from this?

May 31, 2019: MORE FISHING!

Students answered these questions in their text: #1-5 (p. 280) and 1,3 and 4-7 (p. 285)

June 3, 2019: Students are reminded of their exam on June 21, 9am.
Today we started mining with this minds-on video. The students then completed this handout using a mining powerpoint.

June 4, 2019: I took up the mining work from yesterday.....students also completed this atlas exercise on mining in Canada.
I also provided the students with the culminating activity. They signed up on a sign-up list at the front of the class.

June 5, 2019: Canada's forest industry.
Types of logging handout.....we also showed examples on the internet. Today's activity will be to complete the organizer on the types of forest regions in Canada.

June 6, 2019: Students are to work on the following textwork: Page 317, 1 and 5. Page 320, # 1. Pages 324-325 # 1-3. Pages 322-323. summarize the issues around Clayoquot Sound. Make sure this is will be on the exam!

June 7, 2019: Students will watch this powerpoint on the Alberta Oil Sands and summarize the issues into a 3/4 page point form note.

We also showed this video on Clayoquot Sound and the class took pointform notes.

June 10-12, 2019: Culminating Activity Days
June 13,14, 2019: Culminating Presentation Days

I have also attached your exam review sheet.

June 17, 2019: Students are to use this powerpoint to summarize the three types of precipitation, with a special focus on orographic (relief) precipitation.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Period 2: Grade 10 History of Canada

February 1, 2019: Introduction to history of Canada. Course outline, class rules and the introduction activity were the foci today.

February 4, 2019: Today we continued with Friday's intro activity.
The students also began to look at a specific issue of historical significance....the 1918 Spanish Flu. The video can be watched at this link. Students took some notes, in preparation for tomorrow's activity.

February 5, 2019: Course Selection Assembly!

February 6/7/8,  2019: Assessing the historical validity of the Spanish flu in Canada's history. Students will use this question sheet, as well as yesterday's video and this website, to complete their work.
Students will answer their questions on Google Docs and share with me when done. I gave the students the weekend to finish this up (those who need more time!)

February 11, 2019: Today we looked at the period between post-confederation and WW1. We used this powerpoint to answer the questions on this handout.
I also reminded the class to share their influenza work with me. I will accept it until tomorrow.

February 12. 2019: SNOW DAY!!

February 13, 2019: Students are to use this handout to complete this powerpoint slide activity on "The Historian's Toolbox". Have fun and think about history!

February 14, 2019: 

Students completed yesterday's work (if they haven't already done so).  We also began the "six concepts of historical thinking", using this handout and the video/presentation links provided. This will be continued on Tuesday. Have a great long weekend everybody!

February 19-20, 2019: Welcome back everybody!
Today, we start the "Six Concepts of Historical Thinking". Here is the handout. The internet/video links are all included within the handout.

Reminder, if you are not finished your work in class, it must be done for homework.

February 21, 2019:
Let's practice for tomorrow's quiz. Click on this link to examine the history of Canada's Underground Railroad. We will use the six historical concepts to analyze this bit of Canadian history, using this handout. Let's all celebrate Black History!

February 22, 2019: Students wrote a quiz today, on the six concepts of viewing history. Any students who missed the quiz must have a proper note explaining their absence.

February 25, 2019: New Unit - Canada and World War 1
The class began this unit with a quick fact sheet, which we read together. We also summarized the main features and causes of World War 1 by using this handout to study this powerpoint activity.

February 26/27, 2019: Students today continued their work on the causes of World War 1, with this activity. They are to work in groups of 1 or 2 and we will share our work together tomorrow.
We also spent the first half of Wednesday at a vaping educational presentation in the gym.

February 28, 2019: The class were with Mr. Carpenter today to discuss their literacy test results from last fall.

March 1, 2019: Today, we looked at the reasons why alliances formed. Take a look at this note. The class also labelled the WW1 map of Europe. Additionally, what were some of the symbols in Canada during the start of WW1.

**Announcement: Quiz on Tuesday (WW1 map and alliance breakdown). 15 marks.

March 4, 2019: Chapter 2 textwork today. Answer #1-5 on page 81.

March 5, 2019: Quiz Day.
What kind of weapons were used in WW1? Take a look at this link.
The class also took a note on Canada at the time WW1 started.

March 6, 2019: We took up a few of the WW1 weapons today. Students will study trench warfare today. Here is the powerpoint.
We also had an intro note to trench warfare.

March 7, 2019: Today, I reviewed trench warfare and then we played this cool simulation on the computers. I hope you learn well from this!

March 8, 2019: Class will complete this chapter three sheet and the letter based on trench warfare. Have a great break!

March 18/19, 2019: Welcome back!
Students today will continue to work on trench warfare by reading a piece on trench warfare and answering the attached questions. Download is found here. FULL SENTENCES please! Students will complete the first half today, and the rest tomorrow. You may use pencil/ paper OR Google Docs to submit your work.

March 20, 2019: Propaganda and censorship!

What do these terms mean. Check out handout one, which includes a video. We also watched this video which explains WW1 propaganda in films. Students took point form notes. We also looked at a few examples of propaganda posters from WW1.
The rest of the day was spent finishing up yesterday's work (extra time for all!)

Announcement: We will have a special study hall at lunch tomorrow (Thursday) for students who missed the chance to hand work in prior to March Break.

March 21-26, 2019: Project: Group powerpoint on WW1 photographs. See the assignment at this site.
** You must find 6 photos to present from any THREE of the categories given.

March 26, 2019: Today we learned about Canada's minority groups.

March 27, 2019: EQAO Literacy test.

March 28, 2019: More groups presented their WW1 presentations. Following, we learned about Canada's Number two Construction Battalion (black battalion) in WW1. See this website as well as this website and make pointform notes on any ten facts or observations.

March 29, 2019: We discussed the importance of studying the Black Battalion today, with this summary note.
The class also watched a video and took notes on the roles of Sikhs in Canada during World War One.

April 1, 2019: Happy April Fools Day!
Our class today went from honoring the Sikh soldiers in WW1 to honoring our native combatants. Here is the story of Francis Pegahmagabow. The handout includes a video that the students watched, and a weblink which they used to create notes on the history of this WW1 hero.

April 2-3, 2019: Let's review Francis Pegahmagabow! We also watched this video about this great Canadian.
Today we start looking at the classic Canadian WW1 battle of Vimy Ridge. You will need this handout and this powerpoint. Students then will begin a photo analysis of this battle.

April 4, 2019: Today I collected the photo analysis work. The students then watched this film on Vimy Ridge and took point form notes. We ended the class with this text activity.

April 5, 2019: Today, the students will take one page of point form notes on the Battle of Vimy. Use this powerpoint please.

April 8, 2019: Let's look at one of our greatest WW1 heroes: Billy Bishop. Here is a video link.
The students worked with the texts today: war in the air and war at sea.

April 9, 2019: H-Dawg took up some of the questions from yesterday.
The students continued to focus on Billy Bishop.....Was he a hero?

ANNOUNCEMENT: WW1 Test - Tuesday, April 16 - 40 marks - OPEN BOOK! 

April 10-13, 2019: Students began a dvd film today on the Halifax Explosion. It is called "Shattered City". They will watch this film, taking at least one page of point form notes. The assignment will be given at the end of the film.

Here is the assignment! Due: April 18, 2019

Citizens of Africville, Halifax after the explosion

WW1 test review sheet is found at this link.


April 15, 2019:  Today, the class was given a whole period to prepare their notes and to study for tomorrow's test on World War One.

April 16, 2019: Test Day. Any students absent must have a note explaining their absence.

April 17, 2019: The war is over! Today we learned about the treaty of Versailles by watching this video. Part one and two please! The class also read about the armistice and the results of the war. Read this handout as well as this one. The second half of the class was spent working on the film summary which is due tomorrow.

April 18, 2019: THE ROARING 20s! Our introductory lesson to Canada after the war.

April 23, 2019: The class began with this powerpoint on the roaring 20s! Take at least 1/2 page of notes please. We wrapped up the period with this documentary of the 1920s in Canada. We took some notes....they can be found here.

April 24, 2019: Check out this cool video of Canada in the 1920s.
The class spent the day summarizing these historic terms from the 1920s using this powerpoint.

April 25-26, 2019: The Roaring 20's scrapbook activity. You will need the booklet "The Confident Years - Canada in the 1920s". We also watched some of Fritz Lang's famous 1920s film "Metropolis".

April 29, 2019: The Winnipeg General Strike
The class began by watching this documentary - they took point form notes. After, they answered the questions from this handout. There will be a quiz tomorrow worth 10 marks on this topic.

April 30-May1, 2019; QUIZ DAY!
Flappers! We started with a note/definition. The class also answered these questions based on the reading.
Students and the teacher had a discussion. This slideshow was used as a resource.

May 2, 2019: Prohibition in the 1920s. The class took notes from this powerpoint. We also had an intro note and this video, which explained some of the concepts of prohibition. Students took down any 5 point form notes.

May 3, 2019Blue and Gold Day!

May 6, 2019: The class had a discussion today on why prohibition failed: increased crime, people were drinking moonshine anyway, alcohol was something that people wanted, the war was over, so rations were not needed.
The class then worked on Chapter 6 # 1-4. I collected the work at the end of class.

May 7, 2019: Mental Health Assembly

May 8, 2019: Today, students will learn about the Great Depression. Use this link to fill in the blanks on your handout. As well, when done, students will provide their reactions to these Depression facts.

May 9, 2019: I took up much of yesterday's work. The students then watched this video on the Great Depression and took point form notes in their notebooks.

May 10, 2019: The Great Depression of Canada....the "Dirty Thirties". I have included two powerpoint activities for you to watch today. Your job will be to create at least one FULL PAGE of point form notes on each one. There will be a test on this, so do a great job!
Powerpoint ONE
Powerpoint TWO

May 13-16, 2019
: Grade 10 history project....Google Slideshow on the Great Depression. You will have 3 days to work on this. Do a great job. Download project at this site.
Here is your rubric. See you soon!


Students used this package to start their WW2 learning. Click this link for the powerpoint.

JUNE 10-13

May 21/22, 2019: The rise of Adolf Hitler. Students worked on this handout and watched this video (and took notes).

May 23, 2019: Note on the Gestapo was taken. Students then watched this documentary and took notes, which I collected and graded.

May 24, 2019: The class worked on WW2 questions today, using their text. If absent, check with a friend for the question #s.

May 27,2019:

Today we looked at the use of Nazi Propaganda with a look at this video.
We also learned about the Gestapo again and students discussed civil liberties with their teacher. This video was shown by a man who lived through Nazi Germany and talked about the brainwashing that was apparent then.

May 28, 2019: HITLER INVADES POLAND!. Assignment due at end of class.

May 29, 2019: Let's take a look at the WW2 timeline today. We will discuss several of the events.
As well, this powerpoint was used to learn about the beginning of WW2

May 30, 2019: The concept of "Lebensraum" was discussed. Look at the map of Europe in do you think Hitler viewed neighbouring countries in terms of "Lebensraum?"

We looked at this powerpoint and discussed Hitler's intentions and realities in Poland.
The students then began to work on this scrapbook activity.

May 31, 2019: I took up section 1 of yesterday's work. The students then learned about Canada's women and men during the WW2 battles. Watch this video and learn.

June 3, 2019: We will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Read up on it here.
Also, here are some not so common facts on Canada's WW2 roles.
Need some inspiration? Read what happened to Hitler's food tester after the war.
Students today will work on these text questions: Page 209# 1-5 and 213 # 1-3

June 4, 2019:
We started a look at Canadian battles in WW2. Dieppe was a major one that resulted in failure. This video sheet will help you understand some of the facts. This is the video that we watched. We also used this handout and this powerpoint to learn about some of these battles.

June 5, 2019: The Holocaust
We started with this powerpoint, then had the students watch this film. They were instructed to take notes.

June 6, 2019: D-Day
Text page 235 #1-3, Page 239 # 1-5. Full sentences please.....collected at the end of class.

June 7, 2019: To commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day, I showed the class the movie "Storming Juno". It can be watched at this link.
Also, students were given their culminating activities today. They must be in class every day next week!
Here is the rubric.

June 10-13, 2019: Culminating Activity Days - "My Decade"


Welcome to Hepp's Geoblog!

   And welcome to my  classes at East York Collegiate My goal is to keep East York Collegiate students...